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Refer A Friend

Refer a Friend…..

We are so “thankful” that you used EG Tax for all your tax return needs.  We are hoping that you might refer some of your family and friends so they can say “Why doesn’t everyone use EG Tax?”

Simply fill in your name and address and at the end of the tax season we will mail you a rebate toward next years tax preparation fees and your friend or family member will get an immediate discount off of this years tax preparation fees.

Fill out the information on the form below and have them bring a copy of the email sent to you with the discount code to present at the time of the preparation of their tax return for their discount and you can recieve your rebate toward next year’s return.

EG Tax Refer A Friend

Current Client Name (You will receive a $5 OFF Coupon after the tax season)
Current Client Address
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Friends's Name (Will receive a 5% discount on their tax return)
Friend's Address
Upon completion and submission of the Refer-A-Friend form you will receive a code via email. Please print or forward the email to the individual your are referring. The email will contain a code for them to bring to their appointment for the discount.